A day at the Montessori School Geneva will offer a child a mix of individual work time, small group activities, individual teaching, singing, dancing and story time. Children have lunch together and go to the park thereafter. The children staying in the afternoon follow a similar pattern with a mix of individual and group work depending on their needs. The day always ends with a “going home group”.
At the Montessori School Geneva we provide enriching and fun activities which enable the individual child to explore and learn about many aspects of the world around him. We ensure the child is exposed to the skills required by the state : PER (plan d’étude roman)
We offer a wide range of practical activities and we emphasise activities which provide sensorial experiences, thus training and refining the child’s sensory perception and giving him a strong base of reality needed for understanding the abstract.
The approach to language and mathematics is well structured and fun, offering children a solid base for future learning. Great importance is also given to music & movement groups, craft activities, baking, and outdoor activities.
“Altogether we try to share with the children the joy and fascination of learning.”
Lunch time is a fun & social time for children at the Montessori School Geneva. They eat together every day, which helps their social development.
Lunch time also gives the opportunity to participate in a wide range of practical activities which help to refine motor skills and encourage independence, such as laying the table, serving the food, pouring, cutting, cleaning up, brushing their teeth, …
The meals are supplied by a school dinner company carrying the label “Fourchette Verte”. These menus are healthy, varied and checked by a dietician. The updated weekly menu is available on the homepage of this website.
Mixed age group
The mixed age group is one of the principles of a Montessori classroom. Having children of different ages helps their socialisation skills in many ways.
Children learn how to interact with one another, they learn to respect their friends, they learn from each other and learn to offer help when needed.
The younger children have the privilege to learn from their older friends, having their very own role models around at any given time. The older ones gain confidence and self esteem from being able to help their younger friends and realising how much they have learnt from the time when they started.
Outdoor activities
Children are taken out to the playground on a daily basis after lunch. We go for nature walks in the woods nearby, where we do insect hunts, bird watching and other exciting discoveries.
In the winter season we take the children ice-skating once a month.
In the Summer term we go horse riding once a month.
Both activities provide a rich experience for the children, not only do they discover and learn how to master a new sport they also gain confidence and self esteem in doing so.

Our Classroom
A safe and caring environment is thoughtfully prepared to suit the needs of 3 to 6 year old children.
We are fully equipped with Montessori Nienhuis material.
Our wide and bright classroom offers clearly defined areas for the children to work in, such as : practical life, sensorial, language, mathematics, music, geography, botany and science.
we have a kitchen area where children prepare their own snack of provided fresh fruit and vegetables, bake bread and join small baking groups on a weekly basis.
Introduction to French is given by our intern Carla on a daily basis. Carla welcomes the children and helps them throughout the day always addressing them in French.
She helps the children to lay the table and get ready for lunch. Through songs, poems, games, art & craft activities and day-to-day conversations she initiates the children to the French language in a gentle, fun and stimulating way.
The after school child care is in French, run by Valérie – a perfect way for your child to improve his language skills whilst having fun.
After school childcare
Children have the possibility to stay for the after school childcare from 3 to 6 pm. They are given a healthy snack, have lots of outdoor playtime and then a variety of indoor games and activities are offered to them. Priority is given to the children signed up on a regular basis, the left over spaces are available on a daily basis. Children can be picked up whenever you want within the time bracket. The cost is Chf 20.-/day.